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*Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus 256GB - Aura White

····· lezzter Preis 1079.00€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
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*Garett Smartwatch Smartwatch Kids Happy

····· lezzter Preis 83.02€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
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····· lezzter Preis 269.66€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
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····· lezzter Preis 199.00€ ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
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Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus 4G 128GB - Cosmic Grey

für 802.42€ kaufen ···· Proshop.at: Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
6.7 QHD+ 120hz AMOLED (3200x1440), 4G, Dual SIM + e-SIM, Exynos 990 Octa-core, 8GB RAM, 128GB Flash, 64MPixel Tele f/2.0 with OIS & 30x Zoom + 12Mpixel Wide f/1.8 with OIS + 12Mpixel UltraWide f/2.2 + DepthVision (Rear), 10Mpixel f/2.2 (Front), microSD, Water & Dustproof (IP68), AKG Stereo Speakers with Dolby Atmos, Wifi 6, 4500 mAh battery, Wireless FastCharging & Reverse PowerSharing, 188 gram ····· 10031163848