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La Ciudadanía en México, 1810-2000

für 88.20€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La formación de la ciudadanía en México es tratada a través de cinco capítulos: el primero es un marco teórico político del tema y la búsqueda de las herramientas analíticas que permitieran comprender el periplo de este fenómeno en el país el segundo se enfoca en la llegada del liberalismo a la Nueva España y su influencia en el proceso formativo del Estado nacional mexicano y los primeros ciudadanos el tercero es relativo a la ciudadanía ilustrada, cuyo estatus es definido por raza, clase e ilustración, dando lugar a una ideología racista, excluyente y clasista el cuarto significó el rompimiento con el antiguo régimen y la búsqueda en la definición de una calidad ciudadana más apegada a lo autóctono y poniendo especial énfasis en los derechos sociales, que habían sido la mecha que había encendido la Revolución el quinto señala la existencia de una ciudadanía tutelada durante la mayor parte del siglo XX, pues el carácter del poder había sido el autoritarismo ejercido por el presidencialismo, el partido oficial y un corporativismo que controlaba social y políticamente a la sociedad mexicana. Al finalizar el siglo XX el avance democrático ha dejado muchas asignaturas pendientes. ····· 10361137704

Herminia Brumana

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El presente libro fue escrito para la finalización de la Licenciatura en Comunicación con orientación en Cultura, a modo de Tesis Final. Trata de una parte de la vida de una mujer argentina que vivió en la primera mitad del siglo XX y luchó desde el espacio educativo y periodístico en defensa del género femenino. Esa mujer, llamada Herminia Brumana, ha sido un símbolo de la lucha de la mujer por ganar un espacio en la sociedad. ····· 10361136120

Writing Wales

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
National identity is a topical and controversial issue in Wales, due the complex and multiple nature of the identities that can be classified as Welsh. Correspondingly, the issue of identity has been the subject of considerable study in Wales but there remain gaps in the overall research picture. This study focuses on one: the way in which Welsh historiography has portrayed Wales and Welshness. Yet the very nature of Welsh history means that such a study must also consider the impact of England on the historiographical depictions of Wales and Welshness. This book, then, also examines the depiction of the Welsh-English relationship within Welsh national historiography and the way this, in turn, impacted on the portrayal of Wales and Welshness. This study aims to contribute to the research on Welsh identity through the analysis of this specific area of Welsh historiography. In doing so, it offers a new way of approaching the complicated issue of understanding Wales, Welshness, and the relationship between England and Wales. It should be especially useful to students and academics studying historiography, or Welsh or British history. ····· 10361135895

Children burnt by the war 1941-45 (The last witnesses):

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The Great Patriotic War was one of the cruelest wars of the XXth century. Especially great suffering in the USSR it brought to children. They grew up very quickly. This generation did not have childhood their childhood was embedded in the war. Keeping their war memories alive Galina and Slava Lebedevy as one of the representatives of this generation decided to establish an organization named `Children burnt by war` in Arkhangelsk putting as their main aim the transmission of their knowledge to young generations as a means of creating continuity in society. The creation of the organization of the Lebedevys was also a way of adaptation to new conditions of life: lacking support from the state after the breakdown of the USSR they started their struggle for social justice to enhance the life of the people of their generation. They wanted to restore their position in the new society, to regain dignity and counteract the rapidly decreasing respect from the younger generations. Through the establishment of the organization, they have become actively involved themselves into the political life of the city and the country in order to be heard, understood and recognized. ····· 10361135503

Over the House

für 22.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
the book is about the nazi`s fight to assasinate the president, a bond agent saves the american government. there is a rogue cia agent as a nazi.the bond agent fights as an american, and gets locked up in jail. the birth of Asprin takes place the plot is thick as the cia agent starts a chain of deaths for those that have voted for fdr. the plot revloved around the hospital on the navy base. And that is all. ····· 10361134715

The City

für 17.91€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Professor Benjamin Henderix stumbles onto a ancient document from another world almost like our own. He must race to save a friend who had gone missing. Only time will tell. In this novella, the bizarre and evil merge and twist to form a world of darkness in a world of peace. Dark sacrifices, inter-dimensional travel, strange creatures, and great mystery for an average man who joins into the world that holds the City of Death. ····· 10361134687

Old Testament Apocalypticism

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
This study endeavors to bring to the fore a comparative analysis between Jewish apocalypticism and Zimbabwean Chimurenga music and poetry from 1966-1980. This comparison was attempted through the study of the historical contexts of both movements, in terms of the religious, political, economic and social situation. The comparative analysis centers on three broad aspects, which are the origins, traits and roles played by both movements. These aspects, among others, have been chosen because of their centrality in defining any movement hence they offer fair comparative points. It is the submission of the writer that the religio-historical backgrounds of these two movements are synonymous. This therefore necessitates the topic: Old Testament Apocalypticism: A Reflection on Zimbabwe`s Chimurenga Music and Poetry (1966-1980). ····· 10361132303

Capograssi-Edition Bd. 6

für 118.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Band 6 der Ausgewählten Schriften von Giuseppe Capograssi, enthaltend `Studien zur Rechtserfahrung` und ergänzende Werke.Titel der Originalausgaben:Studi sull esperienza giuridica, in: Opere, Bd. 2, S. 211ff. A. Giuffrè, Milano 1959 (erstmals P. Maglione, Roma 1932) L esperienza giuridica nella storia Incompiutezza dell esperienza giuridica Appunti sull esperienza giuridica, a. a. O., Bd. 3, S. 267ff., 297ff. und 399ff. (posthum) Note sulla molteplicità degli ordinamenti giuridici, a. a. O., Bd. 4, S. 181ff. (erstmals in: Studi Sassaresi, Jg. 1936, S. 77ff. durchgesehen und erweitert in: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, Jg. 1939, H. 1f., S. 9ff.) Pensieri vari su economia e diritto, a. a. O., Bd. 4, S. 223ff. (erstmals in: Scritti giuridici in onore di Santi Romano, 1940, Bd. 1, S. 195ff.). ····· 10361121176

Capograssi-Edition Bd. 5

für 118.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Band 5 der Ausgewählten Schriften von Giuseppe Capograssi, enthaltend `Das Problem der Rechtswissenschaft` und andere ergänzende Werke.Titel der Originalausgaben:Il problema della scienza del diritto, in: Opere, Bd. 2, S. 377ff. A. Giuffrè, Milano 1959 (erst-mals Società editrice del Foro italiano , Roma 1937) Il diritto dopo la catastrofe, a. a. O., Bd. 5, S. 151ff. (erstmals in: Scritti giuridici in onore di Francesco Carnelutti, CEDAM, Padova 1950, Bd. 1, S. 1ff.) L ambiguità del diritto contemporaneo, a. a. O., Bd. 5, S. 385ff. (erstmals in: La crisi del diritto, CEDAM, Padova 1953, S. 13ff.). ····· 10361121160

Piovani-Edition Bd. 8

für 118.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Band 8 der Ausgewählten Schriften von Pietro Piovani, enthaltend `Die Bedeutung des Prinzips der Wirksamkeit` und kleinere rechtsphilosophischen Werke.Titel der Originalausgaben:Il significato del principio di effettività, A. Giuffrè, Milano: 1953 Momenti della filosofia giuridico-politica italiana, A. Giuffrè, Milano: 1951 La filosofia del diritto e la lezione di Hegel, A. Giuffré, Milano: 1954 L intuizione del diritto come attività, in: Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, A. Giuffrè, Milano: 1956, Bd. 33, H. 5, S. 583ff. Introduzione ad una nuova edizione de Il problema della scienza del diritto di Giuseppe Capograssi, A. Giuffrè, Milano: 1962 Felice Battaglia, Discorso commemorativo, pronunciato nella seduta ordinaria del 10 Dicembre 1977, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma: 1978. ····· 10361121037

An Odyssey of the Mind

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
A detailed study of how ironic maieusis, consubstantion, and circiminicession in chapters Nestor, Scylla and Charybdis, and Ithaca of Ulysses display the linear progression of the novel as a gradual evolution of specific epistemologies. While the usage of subtextual epistemologies become readily more apparent and metaphorical, they become presented as templates for the manner by which Joyce constructed his epic novel and how Joyce suggests this template is one by which the human intellect constructs knowledge and narrative. ····· 10361118541

E-Basura y las responsabilidades compartidas en su disposición final

für 53.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Para la mayoría de personas la basura electrónica es invisible o no existe, razón por la cual en su disposición final se mezclada con la basura tradicional, puesto que, solo se considera como peligrosos los residuos orgánicos, biológicos y hospitalarios, los cuales si cuentan son un sistema de gestión ambiental. En este libro se pretende generar conciencia sobre la necesidad de visibilizar la incidencia en el medio ambiente de los residuos de los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (basura electrónica), a partir de los casos analizados durante la elaboración del trabajo de tesis Doctoral desarrollado por el autor sobre Basura Electrónica, cuyo manejo como Residuos Peligrosos en el sector comercial y doméstico es Inexistente y desconocido. Por desgracia, los desechos de productos electrónicos componen el grupo de desperdicios de mayor crecimiento en el mundo. A partir de la gestión del mantenimiento y los procesos de gestión de calidad, se puede contribuir a disminuir la basura electrónica. ····· 10361116405

Randgänge der Philosophie

····· lezzter Preis 50.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
`Ich würde zunächst sagen, dass die différance, die weder ein Wort noch ein Begriff ist, mir strategisch am besten geeignet schien, das Irreduzibelste unserer `Epoche` zu denken, wenn nicht zu beherrschen - das Denken mag hier das sein, was sich in einem bestimmten notwendigen Verhältnis zu den strukturellen Grenzen der Herrschaft ansiedelt.` (Jacques Derrida) Mit der Neuauflage von `Randgänge der Philosophie` erscheint im Passagen Verlag ein lang erwartetes Desiderat: die Überarbeitung einer Sammlung von Texten, die für das Verständnis die Philosophie Jacques Derridas nach wie vor wesentlich sind. Neben zwei wichtigen Texten zu Heidegger finden wir hier die Schlüsseltexte zur différance, einem der wichtigsten Begriffe Derridas. Nicht nur die Einführung in die Semiologie Hegels, auch drei weitere Texte zur Linguistik und zum Verhältnis von Linguistik und Philosophie wurden hier zum ersten Mal auf deutsch vorgelegt. Die weiße Mythologie - eine Schrift über die Metapher im philosophischen Text - und Derridas Vortrag über Paul Valéry waren weitere Erstveröffentlichungen in deutscher Sprache. Die Texte des Bandes: Tympanon - Die différance - Ousia und gamme - Der Schacht und die Pyramide: Einführung in die Hegelsche Semiologie - Fines hominis - Der Genfer Linguistenkreis - Die Form und das Bedeuten: Bemerkungen zur Phänomenologie der Sprache - Das Supplement der Kopula: die Philosophie vor der Linguistik - Die weiße Mythologie: Die Metapher im philosophischen Text - Qual Quelle: Die Quellen Valérys - Signatur Ereignis Kontext ····· 10361100535

Embracing Their Sexuality: Gloria Naylor`s Women of Bailey`s Cafe

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Gloria Naylor s Bailey s Café gives a complex picture of the historically limited choices of identity black women have faced. Each character depicts an approach to the objectified black female body and its domination by patriarchal society. Moreover, through her novel Naylor investigates many traditions through which individuals come to understand the power of their inner spirit and how they use their understanding of that spirituality to find peace of mind, pride, and beauty. This novel investigates the duality of the U.S. society where men are allowed more freedom of expression, sexually, than women. When women attempt to express and find fulfillment in their sexual identities, they are viewed as promiscuous and unfit. Through redefining and adapting their own Christian spirituality, however, they begin to live rich, if unconventional, lives on their own terms. In Bailey s Café inner spirituality comes in many forms including, but not limited to sexuality, gender definition, self love, and self acceptance. Furthermore, by redefining that which society has deemed unfit and embracing their inner spirituality, Naylor s characters have gained individuality and independence. ····· 1036199174

Dragonlance, a Shared World of Fantasy Fiction and Role-Playing Games

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The Dragonlance Chronicles (1984) is an American fantasy trilogy written by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis, who created and developed the world of Krynn (the secondary world of Dragonlance) with the help of a live role-playing session. After the success of the first trilogy of this shared world more and more authors joined the creators to build up one of the most popular fantasy series. The novels serve, though, not just the purpose of reading materials for fantasy fans learning about the origins of the series groups of role-players chose the world of Krynn as the setting of their playing sessions and the heroes of Dragonlance as characters. This thesis tries to find the answer to the question about what makes the world of Krynn and the characters of DL ideal for live role-playing, involving the theories of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Tzvetan Todorov about fairytales, fantasy fiction, and theories about live role-playing. ····· 1036199104

Was heißt es, wach zu sein?

für 40.00€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Holger Seitz untersucht Wachheit als eigenständiges Phänomen, als eine Eigenschaft des Bewusstseins. Dabei führt der Autor verschiedene Themenbereiche unter einer Perspektive zusammen, um auf diese Weise einen neuen Zugang zu etwas scheinbar Bekanntem zu schaffen: Auf der Basis von Erkenntnissen der Schlafforschung, der psychologischen und der neurobiologischen Forschung und einigen sozialwissenschaftlichen Einsichten entwickelt er eine spannende und aufschlussreiche Argumentation, die demonstriert, dass Wachheit nicht das Gegenteil des Schlafs, sondern das Gegenteil von Nichtwachheit ist. Diese kreative These besitzt sowohl theoretische, als auch praktische Relevanz, denn sie regt nicht nur das eigene Denken an, sondern kann sogar eine praktische Bedeutung für das eigene Leben haben. Holger Seitz analyses wakefulness as an independent phenomenon, as a characteristic trait of consciousness. Here, the author connects various subjects under one perspective in order to create a new access to something that is apparently already known. Based on the findings of sleep, psychological and neurobiological research as well as certain aspects of social sciences he develops an interesting and enlightening argumentation which demonstrates that wakefulness is not the opposite of sleep but rather the opposite of non-wakefulness. This creative assumption is theoretically and practically relevant as it not only fuels our own thinking but can have a practical meaning for one`s life. ····· 1036194698

Truth over Method: Art Matters

für 71.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Following Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002), a leading thinker of the phenomenological tradition in continental philosophy, Runhild Roeder reclaims the ontological ground of truth in philosophy and the humanities from scientific reductionism. She sees art as closer to comprehensive truth than science, as it enables a fluid experience of self as inner dialogue, moving along with interpretation. Like it, hermeneutics eschews Enlightenment claims to neutral objectivity in favour of understanding as cultivated consciousness, open in all directions at once. Art shows the way beyond the methodological application of universals, taking seriously the particular case at hand and unafraid of exploring the play of truth and the truth of play. Acknowledging for the first time Gadamer s debt to Sir Rabindranath Tagore for this insight, this study painstakingly walks the reader through his critique of Greek and German Idealism, as he vindicates humanist Bildung against the hegemony of epistemology in philosophy, the humanities and culture. Truth happens in hermeneutic interpretation as in art: in the rapture of creative consciousness, when the dancer can no longer be told apart from the dance. ····· 1036192237

Global Order or Global Disorder Vol. 2

für 94.41€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Second half of XX century and beginning of XXI century is marked by a boom of such transnational problems that never existed in history of Humankind. In my early works I had suggested general recommendations on some problems, but after the September 11 I did it deeper. As outcome from such situation, decisive role belongs to the Philosophy of Dialectics, transforming by me into Dialectical Jurisprudence, which will envelope study and comparison of Legal Order and Positive Law, evaluating a Synergetic and Mathematical Models of their mutual transformation, spiral and sustainable development in direction of conflicts prevention. Substantial Scientific Problems of Humankind are at the junction of Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology and Jurisprudence. Such tendency produces a necessity to introduce a notion `Rule of Human Rights Law` in theory and practice. The book is intended for the Scientists and anyone interested in issues of Globalization, Justice, Human Rights, Conflict Resolution, Cooperation of Humanitarian and Natural Sciences. ····· 1036191679

Experiencias de Autonomía Universitaria en América Latina

für 62.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La obra hace un estudio histórico-conceptual sobre la autonomía universitaria en América Latina. Como producto de la investigación histórica, se configuran tres modelos de autonomía: claustral, política y académica. Se estudian los casos de las universidades de México, Buenos Aires y Costa Rica. A 100 años de institucionalizarse, la autonomía universitaria se ha consolidado en Latinoamérica, y continúa como un tema abierto a la investigación, porque siempre estará a debate el papel académico y social de las instituciones de educación superior. ····· 1036190667

Creative Approach to Software Development

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The purpose of this book is to contribute to the Information Technology field by integrating the creative problem solving methods and creativity principles to the software development process. This is done by first establishing the need to integrate creativity for products in the 21st Century, then studying creativity and its application and how it can be integrated in the Software Development Life Cycle, which has been used for decades as a software development tool. The end product is a Software Development Life Cycle that integrates creativity and is believed to be of value to software development success in the 21st century. The book begins with the background from authors of the 21st century revolution Daniel Pink, Ken Robinson, and Eddie Obeng. Their views of the emerging 21st Century markets and changes that should be expected in the 21st century are studied. Then a thorough study of creativity and creative problem solving is made and how it can be applicable in the Information Technology field. Two workshops were held at a Tenet Conference that was held for Information Technology staff at various Universities in South Africa to get their views on the subject of creativity. ····· 1036189042

The Waste Land Symbolises the Moral Decay of Western Civilization

für 44.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The 20th century began with a host of question marks. The Enlightenment view of human rationality and goodness was questioned the belief in natural rights and objective standards governing morality were attacked. Shattering old beliefs, this century left Europeans without landmarks, without generally accepted cultural standards or agreed upon conceptions about human beings and life s meaning. T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land is a realistic complex depiction of the post-War Western civilization, where people suffer from moral and spiritual decay. The poem is a lamentation over the devastations of the war, which left people with nothing except mourning the dead. It is also a sour commentary over the loss of moral values, the embracing of bestial way of life and the discrediting of traditional wisdom and values. ····· 1036188939

Representing the Subaltern

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Undoubtedly, the Indian postcolonial critic Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak contributed a lot to postcolonial studies in general and subaltern studies in particular. Spivak is known for her resort to different discourses simultaneously such as: Marxism, psychoanalysis, deconstruction and feminism. Can the Subaltern Speak is one of her most prominent and notoriously difficult articles. Therefore, the aim of this work is offering a smooth movement from one discourse to another in one of Spivak s most complicated and debatable works. It is an attempt to benefit the readers of this work, especially students, by clarifying part of the network that brings Spivak together with Marx and Foucault in a simple way. ····· 1036186853

Stilprobleme. Zur Epistemologie Michel Foucaults

····· lezzter Preis 34.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der Denkweg von Michel Foucault ist in den verschiedenen aufeinander folgenden Phasen seines Werkes von thematischen Verschiebungen und Brüchen geprägt. Privitera legt in seiner Untersuchung einige Motive der Philosophie Gaston Bachelards als Leitfaden für die Interpretation der gesamten Denkentwicklung Foucaults zugrunde und gelangt auf diese Weise zu einem einheitlichen Verständnis der Foucaultschen Theorie. ····· 1036181298

Kritische Theorie

····· lezzter Preis 12.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Die Kritische Theorie, verbunden mit Namen wie Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse oder Theodor W. Adorno, hat maßgeblich die Philosophie, die Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften, aber auch die sozialen Bewegungen im 20.Jahrhundert beeinflusst und geprägt. Wegweisend: Neben Geschichte und Begriffen zeigt Roger Behrens Seitenzweige und Verknüpfungen zu anderen, aktuellen Theorieströmungen. ····· 1036181294

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