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***Mustela Liniment Hygiene Der Windelzone 400 Ml 400 Ml

für 11.63€ kaufen ··· 400060 ··· 1027949727 ···
Liniment Hygiene of the Diaper Zone 400 ml Hygiene and protection gesture,for daily use in the hygiene of the diaper area from birth, including babies born from neonatology. Benefits: -Gently and effectively cleans the diaper area -Leave a protective film on the skin against the aggressions of the diaper area -Protects the epidermis thanks to extra virgin olive oil rich in omega 6 and omega 9 -Inspired by an ancestral recipe, the liniment, inspired by a formula of the pharmacopoeia and used for generations for the hygiene of the diaper area, is a natural mixture composed of vegetable oil and lime water -To offer you the best of traditional liniment, mustela has reformulated the recipe and has selected an extra virgin olive oil first cold pressure, rich in omega 6 and omega 9 -Clinical study under dermatological and pediatric control in 58 babies, including babies under 3 months, for 4 weeks Directions for use: From birth -Use to clean the area of the ass in every diaper change -Shake the container before use and apply it to clean the ass with the help of cotton -Pleasure of use -Ideal to clean the diaper area
EAN: 3504105030469
Kat: Familienheim >> Baby >> Windeln, Tücher und Wickelauflage >> Tücher
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Tage
Versandkosten: 4.99

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23: Mustela Liniment Hygiene Der Windelzone 400 Ml 400 Ml
24: Mustela Liniment Hygiene Der Windelzone 400 Ml 400 Ml
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7: Mustela Liniment Hygiene Der Windelzone 400 Ml 400 Ml
:::: Familienheim >> Baby >> Windeln, Tücher und Wickelauflage >> Tücher
···· - Online Apotheke und Drogerie
···· aufgenommen: 27.01.2021 · 18:40:52
···· & überprüft: 04.03.2021 · 03:52:14
: Mustela : Liniment : Hygiene : Windelzone :
